Leading Reliability - October 22nd
Training, Application, and Reinforcing E-Learning and a Day Aboard The USS Yorktown
Join us at The Institute at Patriots Point for this unique event of education and applied learning with some of the top leaders in the industry for reliability, preventative, and predictive maintenance strategies. The afternoon sessions will provide application of the knowledge with simulations and "time on the tools". You will leave this session with reinforcing e-learning that you can take back and share with others in your organization. As a bonus, we are providing a leadership experience with a chance to fly the F-35 flight simulators. This is one-of-a kind learning event.
Location: USS Yorktown Charleston Mount Pleasant, SC
Date: Tuesday October 22, 2019 (8am-4pm)
Event Line Up
SEPCO Morning Session with David Brewer:
Stuffing Box Reliability: Proper packing installation and shaft stabilization prolong equipment and packing life.
As one of the most frequently used sealing technologies, compression packing is present in any facility or plant with pumps and valves. Improperly installed or seated packing causes worn shafts or sleeves, excess heat, and abnormal leakage. Teams must ensure they know how to install compression packing and follow the best practice steps carefully. Shaft deflection will also cause problems in pumps. The proper selection and installation of bushings help stabilize the shaft, again extending packing and equipment life. This presentation with help end users ensure that the packing and bushing systems are properly installed and seated.
Afternoon application session:
Packing Installation Workshop: Learning and executing proper installation of packing into “see-through” stuffing boxes to ensure that attendees understand the best practice guidelines for installing compression packing.
The After Event 4-6PM
The first 20 attendees to sign up and commit are invited to join us for the afterhours session from 4PM until 6PM. We will be in the USS Yorktown F-35 flight simulators. Here we will talk about mission (project) planning, communication and risk, and high speed execution, while doing barrel rolls, launching missiles, and destroying targets (competitors) in this one of a kind facility that is only available though Eruditio and The Institute at Patriots Point.
To register for this event, please fill out the form below and one of our representatives will be in touch with you with more specifics as we get closer to the event!